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h01 |
CS190J S18 |
Name: | ||||
(as it would appear on official course roster) | ||||
Umail address: | @umail.ucsb.edu | |||
Optional: name you wish to be called if different from name above. | ||||
Optional: name of "homework buddy" (leaving this blank signifies "I worked alone" |
h01: Summarize research paper
ready? | assigned | due | points |
true | Thu 04/12 09:30AM | Thu 04/26 11:59AM |
You may collaborate on this homework with AT MOST one person, an optional "homework buddy".
There is NO MAKEUP for missed assignments, and you may not submit work in advance, or on behalf of another person.
In place of that, we drop the four lowest scores (if you have zeros, those are the four lowest scores.)
Please select one of the papers from the list of CS Ed related papers on the course web site, and write a short essay that weaves in the answers to the following questions:
- (25 pts) What is the research question that the paper is investigating?
- (25 pts) What are the key findings of the paper?
- (25 pts) How did the researchers measure these outcomes? (If they didn't adequately maeasure, and only described in general terms their anecodtal experiences, note this.)
- (25 pts) How do you think we can apply this research to our courses (8,16,24,56), or more generally in our undergradaute program at UCSB? Find at least one new paper that is related to the paper you read (and is not in our current list). Preferably the paper you found cites the paper you read. Cite the paper you are summarizing in your essay following the standard ACM citation format as shown below: ``` Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Robert Phillips, Michael D. Wallis, Mladen A. Vouk, and James C. Lester. 2009. The impact of instructor initiative on student learning: a tutoring study. In Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education (SIGCSE '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 14-18. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1508865.1508873 ``` We have not specified "how many pages" or "how many words", because we don't want you to aim for that. Write just enough to answer the questions below, and no more. If that's 1 page, fine. If it's three pages fine. Make it as short as possible, and no shorter. Less than one page is proabably too short, more than three pages is starting to get a little long. Organize your essay in whatever way you like (except not by simply repeating the questions and answering each one in a paragraph; make it a coherent essay.) For all of the following: summarize in your own words as much as possible. Don't just copy/paste from the paper or the abstract. Where you use exact wording, be sure to use "quotation marks", but do this sparingly, only where using the exact wording of the original source is really necessary to convey the idea. You may also want to prepare two or at most three slides about the main ideas in the paper, since you'll be asked to do a round of lightning talks about these papers at a later point in the quarter. That's a separate assignment, but it often is helpful to do both the slides and the writeup at the same time. Writing slides first can help you organize your thoughts in small "bullet points", which might helps you write more concise sentences. Submit your essay to the h01 assignment on gauchospace.